Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Special Message from Pastor Mark

Dear Saint Matthew Friend:

"I wish I knew more about my faith"

I hear statements like this from Christians all the time.

They also say things like, "I wish that my children [or grandchildren] [or nieces and nephews] had a closer relationship with God."

At Saint Matthew, we try to address these very real concerns. We provide a variety of learning opportunities not just to fill people's heads with information, but to help them to live each day with confidence and hope and joy!

One of the missions of Christ's Church is to make disciples. That isn't just about evangelism, sharing the Good News with those outside of the fellowship of the church. It's also about growing in our own faith. That growth is something that mostly happens in our Monday through Saturday worlds, where followers of Jesus Christ face their daily ups and downs with faith, prayer, service, and immersion in the Bible.

But, if you're serious about your own growth as a Christian or the growth of the faith of the important children in your life, then we have some great opportunities to help you with that at Saint Matthew.

For example...

Sunday School kicks off its 2008-2009 program year tomorrow morning. There are classes for every age group. Adults start at 9:00/ Everybody else at 9:15. (If parents want to wait to show up for the adult class in the Luther Room until after their kids are in their classes, that's fine.)

Searching for the Truth, a six session class in which we compare our Christian faith to the beliefs of other world religions, begins on Monday, September 22. Each session will run from 7:00 to 8:30pm. (No class on September 29.) I've just been doing some work on this class and I'm getting really excited about it!To register, contact the church office at 385-2272.

Catechism is Saint Matthew's three-year program to prepare sixth, seventh, and eighth graders for their lives as adult Christians. The great thing is that we have several high school students who have decided that they want to be part of the class as well. If you have a young person in your life who would like to be part of this exploration of Christian belief, they can be registered by calling the church office at 385-2272. The first class for the 2008-2009 year happens on October 18, from 9:00am to 2:30pm. (Breakfast and lunch provided by parents on a voluntary basis.) We actually have a ton of fun in Catechism. Our focus this year will be on The Small Catechism by Martin Luther.

Watch for more opportunities for help with becoming more joyful and assured in your relationship with Jesus Christ!

Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Mark

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